[O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode
2018-04-28 21:05:19 UTC

I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
Jekyll). It would be nice if you could help me with following questions:

1. could somebody, please, point me to a tutorial on how to create a
multilingual site? Like the orgmode.org with EN:FR:JA. Ideally it would
be if one would have page-aware language switch, i.e. if one is on the
page orgmode.org/fr/features.html and clicks JA he will be redirected to
orgmode.org/ja/features.html (and not .../ja/index.html as it is now)...

2. how can one create "prettified" links, i.e. /features/ instead
of /features.html ? Basically during the website generation for the file
features.org a directory `features` needs to be created and the html
file placed into `features/index.html` ... Is there a tutorial on how to
do that?

3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?

Thank you!
Diego Zamboni
2018-04-28 21:40:53 UTC
Post by ST
I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools in Emacs.

Org-mode would be equivalent to Markdown in this respect. You still need to use a tool to generate/publish your website.

My current favorite is Hugo (http://gohugo.io/ <http://gohugo.io/>) which, just like Jekyll, generated a static website, but has a lot of very nice features.

So, the first step would be to migrate your website from Jekyll to Hugo (https://gohugo.io/tools/migrations/#jekyll <https://gohugo.io/tools/migrations/#jekyll>), including built-in support in Hugo (https://gohugo.io/commands/hugo_import_jekyll/ <https://gohugo.io/commands/hugo_import_jekyll/>). At this point, your posts would still be in Markdown format, but once in Hugo, you can start moving them over to org-mode. My recommendation would be to use the excellent ox-hugo (https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ <https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/>), which allows you to keep your source files in org-mode but generate proper Markdown files for Hugo.

My answers below assume the above.
Post by ST
1. could somebody, please, point me to a tutorial on how to create a
multilingual site? Like the orgmode.org with EN:FR:JA. Ideally it would
be if one would have page-aware language switch, i.e. if one is on the
page orgmode.org/fr/features.html and clicks JA he will be redirected to
orgmode.org/ja/features.html (and not .../ja/index.html as it is now)

Hugo has built-in support for multilingual sites: https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/ <https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/> - I’ve never used it so I don’t know how well it works.
Post by ST
2. how can one create "prettified" links, i.e. /features/ instead
of /features.html ? Basically during the website generation for the file
features.org a directory `features` needs to be created and the html
file placed into `features/index.html` ... Is there a tutorial on how to
do that?
Hugo does this by default, but has a lot of options for how URLs are generated: https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/ <https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/>
Post by ST
3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?
Org-mode doesn’t have themes, but Hugo does: https://themes.gohugo.io/ <https://themes.gohugo.io/>

I hope this helps. Feel free to look at the source for my website (http://zzamboni.org/ <http://zzamboni.org/>) for inspiration: https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org>. I only recently started migration to org-mode/ox-hugo. You can find all my old posts at https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/tree/master/content <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/tree/master/content>, and the newer ones, generated from an org-mode file, at https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org>.

Diego Zamboni
2018-04-28 21:42:35 UTC
Post by Diego Zamboni
I hope this helps. Feel free to look at the source for my website (http://zzamboni.org/ <http://zzamboni.org/>) for inspiration: https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org>. I only recently started migration to org-mode/ox-hugo. You can find all my old posts at https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/tree/master/content <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/tree/master/content>, and the newer ones, generated from an org-mode file, at https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org>.
I meant to say: “the source for the newer (recent) ones is the org-mode file at https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org <https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/blob/master/content-org/zzamboni.org>”.

Scott Randby
2018-04-28 22:13:14 UTC
Post by Diego Zamboni
Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools in Emacs.
I think Org is a good website publishing tool in many ways. I've been using it for making and publishing my website since 2010. Sure, it has some limitations, but I think it can be made to work nicely for a lot of types of sites. But I do agree that the Org/Hugo combination is really good.

Scott Randby
2018-04-29 08:50:12 UTC
Hi Scott,

thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
(in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
or less.

Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?

Thank you!
Post by Scott Randby
Post by Diego Zamboni
Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools in Emacs.
I think Org is a good website publishing tool in many ways. I've been using it for making and publishing my website since 2010. Sure, it has some limitations, but I think it can be made to work nicely for a lot of types of sites. But I do agree that the Org/Hugo combination is really good.
Scott Randby
2018-04-29 09:07:02 UTC
Hi ST,
Post by ST
Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?
if people take the time to share this on the list, would you be kind
enough to take the time to enhance Worg documentation with a readable
synthesis of all answers?

If a matter of (1) creating a user on https://code.orgmode.org then
(2) cloning Worg's repository then adding/publishing your content.

Thanks a lot!
2018-04-29 09:22:11 UTC
Post by Bastien
Hi ST,
Post by ST
Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?
if people take the time to share this on the list, would you be kind
enough to take the time to enhance Worg documentation with a readable
synthesis of all answers?
English is not my mother tongue, but I'll give it a try...

Thank you!
Ista Zahn
2018-04-29 12:58:28 UTC
Post by ST
Hi Scott,
thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
(in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
or less.
Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?
I use Nikola (https://getnikola.com/). It has a plugin for org source files
(https://plugins.getnikola.com/v8/orgmode/). It claims to support
multilingual sites, though I have not used that feature.

Post by ST
Thank you!
Post by Scott Randby
Post by Diego Zamboni
Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools in Emacs.
I think Org is a good website publishing tool in many ways. I've been using it for making and publishing my website since 2010. Sure, it has some limitations, but I think it can be made to work nicely for a lot of types of sites. But I do agree that the Org/Hugo combination is really good.
Scott Randby
Scott Randby
2018-04-29 14:45:38 UTC
Post by ST
Hi Scott,
thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
(in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
or less.
Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?
I'm sorry, but I can't address any of your three issues. My site is in English only, I use regular links, and my style is very simple and made so the site will work well on any device. Here is a link to it: http://srandby.org/

The Org source code isn't available yet, but it isn't anything special. The key is really the CSS which you can easily obtain.

For publishing, I update a file, use Org's HTML export facility (C-c C-e h or C-c C-e C-s h to export a subtree), and then upload to the server. Not very sophisticated, but I find it to be very efficient.

I haven't had time to look into the more complex things one can do regarding Org and websites.

Saša Janiška
2018-04-29 07:45:54 UTC
Post by ST
I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
I recommend you to take look at ox-hugo (https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/)

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body,
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered
by such a change.
Luis Roca
2018-04-29 12:55:49 UTC
Post by Saša Janiška
Post by ST
I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
I recommend you to take look at ox-hugo (https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/
I tested easy-hugo recently but the exporting of org files was
inconsistent with headlines and content separated. Does ox-hugo export
well consistently?

If so I may try Hugo again.

Thanks in advance,
Diego Zamboni
2018-04-30 20:28:03 UTC
Hi Luis,

easy-hugo is simply a control layer over plain Hugo. As such, when you write a post in org format, it’s not org-mode but Hugo who is doing the interpretation, using the goorgeous library (https://github.com/chaseadamsio/goorgeous/ <https://github.com/chaseadamsio/goorgeous/>). This is why there are inconsistencies and other problems in parsing - goorgeous does not support the whole range of org-mode constructs. I originally started with easy-hugo as well, and got increasingly frustrated by some of these issues.

ox-hugo takes a different approach: it uses org-mode’s ox-markdown exporter to produce Markdown from the org source, so that Hugo processes a Markdown file. This makes a big difference, as each tool is processing its own native format: org-mode processes org, and Hugo processes Markdown. Thanks to this, you can even include Hugo shortcodes (https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/ <https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/>) in your org-mode source, and they will be passed untouched to Hugo (this is not entirely advisable as it makes your source Hugo-specific, but it’s doable if you want it).

Another very nice ox-hugo feature is its “One post per Org subtree” mode (https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/#screenshot-one-post-per-subtree <https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/#screenshot-one-post-per-subtree>), in which you keep your entire post tree (in fact, you could keep your entire website) in a single Org file. I was skeptical about this at first (who wants to keep *everything* in a single file), but in practice it works very well, and allows you to have tags/categories or other attributes per subtree, so you don’t have to repeat them on every post. If you really want to keep each post in a separate file, that is doable as well. The ox-hugo website has a lot of very useful information.

Finally, you can do the transition gradually - for my website, I had years of accumulated Markdown files from my adventures with Jekyll, Octopress and later Hugo. Those are still in place, and I have started only putting my new posts in an org file which ox-hugo processes. Since those are converted to Markdown files, they end up alongside the old hand-crafted files, and Hugo just processes them all together.

I really recommend ox-hugo, Kaushal has done a fantastic job and he is also really helpful and responsive with questions.

Tip: I learned a lot by reading the source files for https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ <https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/> and for https://scripter.co/ <https://scripter.co/>, both of which are kept in ox-hugo structure. You can find pointers to those and some other examples (including my own websites, zzamboni.org and cf-learn.info <http://cf-learn.info/>) at https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/ <https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/>

Hope this helps,
Post by Luis Roca
Post by Saša Janiška
Post by ST
I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
I recommend you to take look at ox-hugo (https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/
I tested easy-hugo recently but the exporting of org files was
inconsistent with headlines and content separated. Does ox-hugo export
well consistently?
If so I may try Hugo again.
Thanks in advance,
Kaushal Modi
2018-04-30 22:43:56 UTC
Hi Diego,
Post by Diego Zamboni
ox-hugo takes a different approach: it uses org-mode’s ox-markdown
exporter to produce Markdown from the org source, so that Hugo processes a
Markdown file. This makes a big difference, as each tool is processing its
own native format: org-mode processes org, and Hugo processes Markdown.
That's very well said :)
Post by Diego Zamboni
Thanks to this, you can even include Hugo shortcodes (
https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/) in your org-mode
source, and they will be passed untouched to Hugo (this is not entirely
advisable as it makes your source Hugo-specific, but it’s doable if you
want it).
Correct. The aim of ox-hugo is to allow any Org document to be easily
exportable to Hugo, while also allowing the same document to be reusable
for other export formats too.

So I don't recommend embedding Hugo shortcodes directly in Org files (even
if they work.. not guaranteeing that such embedded Hugo shortcodes will
always work). But shortcodes are still supported, though in a different
style, leveraging the Org special blocks. That feature is yet undocumented.
But it is fully implemented, tested (and used by me). See
https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/issues/126 for more info.
Post by Diego Zamboni
Another very nice ox-hugo feature is its “One post per Org subtree” mode (
https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/#screenshot-one-post-per-subtree), in which
you keep your entire post tree (in fact, you could keep your entire
website) in a single Org file. I was skeptical about this at first (who
wants to keep *everything* in a single file), but in practice it works very
well, and allows you to have tags/categories or other attributes per
subtree, so you don’t have to repeat them on every post.
That's the primary reason why I started working on ox-hugo. I couldn't bear
the manual labor of copy/pasting/syncing of front-matter across separate
Markdown files. I always suggest people to try the "per-subtree blogging
flow" because Org subtree structure, property and tag inheritance so much
reduce that manual effort. See here on how various properties and tags
translate to Hugo front-matter ->

I also have this little annotated diagram:
Loading Image...
Post by Diego Zamboni
If you really want to keep each post in a separate file, that is doable as
well. The ox-hugo website has a lot of very useful information.
Finally, you can do the transition gradually - for my website, I had years
of accumulated Markdown files from my adventures with Jekyll, Octopress and
later Hugo. Those are still in place, and I have started only putting my
new posts in an org file which ox-hugo processes. Since those are converted
to Markdown files, they end up alongside the old hand-crafted files, and
Hugo just processes them all together.
That too! Looks like you hit all the awesome points :) My scripter.co site
source also contains of few dozen old Markdown posts. New stuff is written
in Org and exported to Markdown using ox-hugo which live right along the
old Markdown content... and everything just works.
Post by Diego Zamboni
I really recommend ox-hugo, Kaushal has done a fantastic job and he is
also really helpful and responsive with questions.
Thanks for this heavy recommendation. Working on this project and
supporting/making it more robust based on user feedback has been great

Tip: I learned a lot by reading the source files for
Post by Diego Zamboni
https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ and for https://scripter.co/, both of which
are kept in ox-hugo structure. You can find pointers to those and some
other examples (including my own websites, zzamboni.org and cf-learn.info)
at https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/
Yes! The list of contributors on that Real World Examples page is growing
day by day.

And finally, some clarification about things mentioned in other parts of
this thread:

- Using Hugo does *not* require you to know the Go language. You just learn
the Go templating syntax. And that too, if you want to start by tweaking
and designing Hugo themes. You can always pick one of the 200+ Hugo themes,
and get your blog started, and then revisit writing your own theme at a
later time.
- It doesn't even require you to install the Go toolchain (though it's not
difficult, you just unzip an archive).
- "Installing" hugo is a matter of a single wget of the archive for the OS
of your choice from here: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases, and
then unarchiving that to somewhere in your PATH.

Apart of the binary-static-ness of the hugo static site generator, another
reason it appealed to me is that the Go templating syntax feels a bit
/lispy/. For example, I use this:

{{ $.Scratch.Set "__repo_updated_time" (index (index (index (index
$repo_json "commit") "commit") "committer") "date") }}

which extracts the commit date by the committer (not author) using GitHub
API for the "Last updated" column on the Real World Examples page:
https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/ (hopefully someone didn't think I
was manually updating all those dates :P)

In summary, ox-hugo allows you to use the best tools for each task: (1)
content writing in Org, and (2) mass HTML/RSS/JSON/etc. generation using
Hugo. The former wins in having a concise Org document where the Org
features of macros, tag/property inheritance, Org babel, etc. can be
leveraged. The latter wins in creating the *whole* site containing
literally hundreds of pages (posts, lists, feeds, search index, JSON feeds,
aliased pages, whatnot) in a matter of *a second or two*.

Kaushal Modi
Diego Zamboni
2018-05-01 18:41:09 UTC
Hi Kaushal,

First of all, thanks for your kind words, and most of all for all your work on ox-hugo!
So I don't recommend embedding Hugo shortcodes directly in Org files (even if they work.. not guaranteeing that such embedded Hugo shortcodes will always work). But shortcodes are still supported, though in a different style, leveraging the Org special blocks. That feature is yet undocumented. But it is fully implemented, tested (and used by me). See https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/issues/126 <https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/issues/126> for more info.
Agree - the ideal would be to use regular org constructs for everything, but provide enough information to translate it into the appropriate shortcodes when appropriate.
https://discourse-cdn-sjc2.com/standard12/uploads/gohugo/original/2X/8/8dd4af3e103c3a691a71356aa3f91bfe1019ebae.png <https://discourse-cdn-sjc2.com/standard12/uploads/gohugo/original/2X/8/8dd4af3e103c3a691a71356aa3f91bfe1019ebae.png>
Very useful! I had seen the table but the diagram (although it takes a bit to understand) make it all very visual.
{{ $.Scratch.Set "__repo_updated_time" (index (index (index (index $repo_json "commit") "commit") "committer") "date") }}
Indeed, Hugo is incredibly powerful. I’m still far from an expert on it, although I’ve started dabbling into modifying/creating my own templates. Hugo has quite a bit of a learning curve, so it’s not for everyone, but if you are willing to spend some time learning it, it’s really worth the effort.

Thomas S. Dye
2018-05-04 06:49:53 UTC
Aloha Kaushal
Post by Kaushal Modi
Post by Diego Zamboni
I really recommend ox-hugo, Kaushal has done a fantastic job
and he is
also really helpful and responsive with questions.
Thanks for this heavy recommendation. Working on this project
supporting/making it more robust based on user feedback has been great
This looks like an interesting project.

I've browsed the various Hugo themes and the example web sites. I
think I've seen websites similar to and themes suitable for a
variety of sites I'd like to consolidate: archaeology course
syllabus and class calendar; documentation for a software project;
a publication list with download links; and a book/article review
blog. I use org-mode for writing these kinds of thing now, and
I'm hoping to work out a way to make my org mode source work with

I'm especially keen on previewing the web pages as I work on them,
which was super easy to set up (thanks!), and generating
"responsive" content to satisfy my smartphone connected students.

I see that ox-hugo and many Hugo templates have a blog as their
focus. Is it reasonable to go down the ox-hugo path for my
planned sites? Or, is the blog focus likely to restrict what I'd
like to do?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye
Kaushal Modi
2018-05-04 13:43:38 UTC
Hello Thomas,
Post by Thomas S. Dye
This looks like an interesting project.
I've browsed the various Hugo themes and the example web sites. I
think I've seen websites similar to and themes suitable for a
variety of sites I'd like to consolidate: archaeology course
syllabus and class calendar; documentation for a software project;
a publication list with download links; and a book/article review
That's correct, you can use Hugo to generate any of those kinds of sites. I
use it for my blog, the ox-hugo doc site itself, the bare-bones ox-hugo
test site, product doc site at work. I have also used it in the past for a
"for-rent" site in the past (and it worked ;-)).
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I use org-mode for writing these kinds of thing now, and
I'm hoping to work out a way to make my org mode source work with
At minimum you just need the #+hugo_base_dir keyword and EXPORT_FILE_NAME
property (if using per-subtree flow). So it should not be too difficult. To
get an idea, I made these[1] changes to make the pre-existing use-package
Org manual ready for ox-hugo export.
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I'm especially keen on previewing the web pages as I work on them,
which was super easy to set up (thanks!),
Great! So I gather that you were able to get a preliminary setup of
ox-hugo + Hugo working?
Post by Thomas S. Dye
and generating "responsive" content to satisfy my smartphone connected
That part is not too difficult if you want to get the basic
responsiveness.. just adding the viewport meta tag in HTML head does most
of the job:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,

You need to get into CSS hacking if you want to go further in @media based
CSS formatting, or implementing CSS grids, etc.
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I see that ox-hugo and many Hugo templates have a blog as their
focus. Is it reasonable to go down the ox-hugo path for my
planned sites?
I think so, as I mentioned earlier, I have used it for a variety of sites.
The Hugo theme tagging system is not great as it relies completely on what
the theme authors manually tag those as. But this[2] gives a small
selection of themes for documentation sites. I might find more sites that
fit your needs as you explore each of the themes on that site (don't reply
100% on tags).
Post by Thomas S. Dye
Or, is the blog focus likely to restrict what I'd like to do?
Hugo Go templating is very powerful[3]. It inherently has no restrictions.
The templating language does not have a "blog focus".

If you decide to use a theme, just as is[*], then that's a restriction. I
would suggest to pick a theme that best fits your need, and then gradually
mold (mould?) it as you learn more of Go templating, to make it perfect for




[2]: https://themes.gohugo.io/tags/documentation/

[3]: Here are some of the professional non-blog sites created using Hugo:

[*]: Being Emacs users, I doubt if the "use the theme as is" would work for
any of us ;-)
Kaushal Modi
Kaushal Modi
2018-05-04 13:53:00 UTC
Hello Thomas,

I forgot to expand a bit on this part..
Post by Kaushal Modi
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I use org-mode for writing these kinds of thing now, and
I'm hoping to work out a way to make my org mode source work with
At minimum you just need the #+hugo_base_dir keyword and EXPORT_FILE_NAME
property (if using per-subtree flow). So it should not be too difficult. To
get an idea, I made these[1] changes to make the pre-existing use-package
Org manual ready for ox-hugo export.
I port some of my pre-existing notes in Org format to my blog as I get
time. Here's a recent one..

Org source:

The only lines added to it for exporting (using the per-file flow) using
ox-hugo were:

#+hugo_base_dir: ../../../
#+hugo_section: notes
#+hugo_bundle: awk
#+export_file_name: index

#+hugo_categories: unix
#+hugo_tags: awk

And I added this Org Special block supported by ox-hugo:

Collection of ~awk~ examples.

With that in place, I exported the Markdown file, committed it to my repo,
Netlify ran hugo to regenerate my site, and deployed it to
Kaushal Modi
Thomas S. Dye
2018-05-04 15:07:02 UTC
Aloha Kaushal,
Post by Kaushal Modi
Hello Thomas,
Post by Thomas S. Dye
This looks like an interesting project.
I've browsed the various Hugo themes and the example web sites. I
think I've seen websites similar to and themes suitable for a
variety of sites I'd like to consolidate: archaeology course
syllabus and class calendar; documentation for a software
a publication list with download links; and a book/article
That's correct, you can use Hugo to generate any of those kinds of sites. I
use it for my blog, the ox-hugo doc site itself, the bare-bones ox-hugo
test site, product doc site at work. I have also used it in the past for a
"for-rent" site in the past (and it worked ;-)).
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I use org-mode for writing these kinds of thing now, and
I'm hoping to work out a way to make my org mode source work
At minimum you just need the #+hugo_base_dir keyword and
property (if using per-subtree flow). So it should not be too
difficult. To
get an idea, I made these[1] changes to make the pre-existing
Org manual ready for ox-hugo export.
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I'm especially keen on previewing the web pages as I work on
which was super easy to set up (thanks!),
Great! So I gather that you were able to get a preliminary setup of
ox-hugo + Hugo working?
Yes, your ox-hugo test site was up and running in a few minutes.
Every few seconds new blog entries would pop up on my browser as
Hugo processed the test file.

The hardest part for me was getting ox-hugo to work in spacemacs.
This isn't an ox-hugo thing. I've had problems with other org
mode components in spacemacs, mostly having to do with the order
things are loaded.
Post by Kaushal Modi
Post by Thomas S. Dye
and generating "responsive" content to satisfy my smartphone
That part is not too difficult if you want to get the basic
responsiveness.. just adding the viewport meta tag in HTML head does most
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
You need to get into CSS hacking if you want to go further in
@media based
CSS formatting, or implementing CSS grids, etc.
Apparently, there is a 'responsive' module for Hugo that several
themes use. I'm hoping to find responsiveness out of the box
through careful choice of themes.
Post by Kaushal Modi
Post by Thomas S. Dye
I see that ox-hugo and many Hugo templates have a blog as their
focus. Is it reasonable to go down the ox-hugo path for my
planned sites?
I think so, as I mentioned earlier, I have used it for a variety of sites.
The Hugo theme tagging system is not great as it relies
completely on what
the theme authors manually tag those as. But this[2] gives a
selection of themes for documentation sites. I might find more
sites that
fit your needs as you explore each of the themes on that site
(don't reply
100% on tags).
Post by Thomas S. Dye
Or, is the blog focus likely to restrict what I'd like to do?
Hugo Go templating is very powerful[3]. It inherently has no
The templating language does not have a "blog focus".
If you decide to use a theme, just as is[*], then that's a
restriction. I
would suggest to pick a theme that best fits your need, and then gradually
mold (mould?) it as you learn more of Go templating, to make it perfect for
Perfect. Thanks. I'm looking forward to getting started with

Many thanks for the useful links.

All the best,
Post by Kaushal Modi
[2]: https://themes.gohugo.io/tags/documentation/
[3]: Here are some of the professional non-blog sites created
[*]: Being Emacs users, I doubt if the "use the theme as is"
would work for
any of us ;-)
Thomas S. Dye
Grant Rettke
2018-04-29 16:45:06 UTC
Post by ST
3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?
Twitter Bootstrap https://github.com/marsmining/ox-twbs and
and these themes https://github.com/fniessen/org-html-themes are corporate-ish.
2018-04-30 10:58:57 UTC
Post by Grant Rettke
Post by ST
3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?
Twitter Bootstrap https://github.com/marsmining/ox-twbs and
This looks nice...

1. Does it mean that any Bootstrap theme can be used with this?
see here: https://themes.getbootstrap.com/

2. Does it support the latest Bootstrap 4.1?

Thank you!
2018-05-05 17:51:27 UTC
Post by ST
I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
1. could somebody, please, point me to a tutorial on how to create a
multilingual site? Like the orgmode.org with EN:FR:JA. Ideally it would
be if one would have page-aware language switch, i.e. if one is on the
page orgmode.org/fr/features.html and clicks JA he will be redirected to
orgmode.org/ja/features.html (and not .../ja/index.html as it is now)...
I don’t know how to that. You can easily add language buttons to your
documents via :html-preamble (see org-publish-project-alist). How to
automatically move people to the right side based on their preferences is
another thing. I know Django supports multilingual pages, so maybe their
documentation discuss this issue on a more technical level.
Post by ST
2. how can one create "prettified" links, i.e. /features/ instead
of /features.html ? Basically during the website generation for the file
features.org a directory `features` needs to be created and the html
file placed into `features/index.html` ... Is there a tutorial on how to
do that?
You make a wrapper around org-html-publish-to-html that creates folders
and from filename and save file as index in the folder. The wrapper
function is then used as the :publishing-function in

Something like this (untested).

(lambda (plist filename pub-dir)
(let ((dir (make-directory (file-name-as-directory (file-name-base filename))
(org-latex-publish-to-html plist filename dir)
(rename-file (concat dir (file-name-base filename) ".html")
(concat dir "index.html"))))

You could also move around your source files before publishing via the
Post by ST
3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?
Everything has classes so it’s easy to make a style that suits you. Just
find the color and font combinations that you like.

There’s an example of a technique I use here:


Look, it is what it is because it was what it was
2018-05-07 08:39:46 UTC
Post by Rasmus
Post by ST
2. how can one create "prettified" links, i.e. /features/ instead
of /features.html ? Basically during the website generation for the file
features.org a directory `features` needs to be created and the html
file placed into `features/index.html` ... Is there a tutorial on how to
do that?
You make a wrapper around org-html-publish-to-html that creates folders
and from filename and save file as index in the folder. The wrapper
function is then used as the :publishing-function in
Something like this (untested).
(lambda (plist filename pub-dir)
(let ((dir (make-directory (file-name-as-directory (file-name-base filename))
(org-latex-publish-to-html plist filename dir)
(rename-file (concat dir (file-name-base filename) ".html")
(concat dir "index.html"))))
You could also move around your source files before publishing via the
Thank you very much! Unfortunately I don't know lisp, so I have to learn
it first to understand your solution... but now I have something to
start with. I wish org html export will become a real static site
generator, like jekyll, hugo, etc..
