[O] coding help needed: set, increase and log review priority
Julius Dittmar
2018-05-02 09:26:59 UTC

lisp is still a mystery to me, so I need help coding some functions I
would like to use.

What I want is a property 'ReviewPriority', which can take integer
values, and a property 'LastReview'. I need functions that

- increase ReviewPriority by one, assuming an initial 0 if there's no
value set, up to a hard-coded maximum of 5, set LastReview to the
current date, and log the change (new value and date are sufficient) in
the LOGBOOK drawer

- set ReviewPriority to a fixed value (for example 1), set LastReview to
the current date, and log the change in the LOGBOOK drawer

- set ReviewPriority to a user-given value (clipping to the acceptable
value range of 0 to 5 would be a boon, but is not necessary), set
LastReview to the current date, and log the change in the LOGBOOK drawer.

Additionally I'd like to bind the increase function to C-c r and the
function with user input to C-c R.

Any help welcome!

Thanks in advance,

John Kitchin
2018-05-02 15:26:12 UTC
Post by Julius Dittmar
lisp is still a mystery to me, so I need help coding some functions I
would like to use.
What I want is a property 'ReviewPriority', which can take integer
values, and a property 'LastReview'. I need functions that
- increase ReviewPriority by one, assuming an initial 0 if there's no
value set, up to a hard-coded maximum of 5, set LastReview to the
current date, and log the change (new value and date are sufficient) in
the LOGBOOK drawer
Here is a lightly commented function that does this all of these I

M-x f0 will increment the ReviewPriority
C-1 M-x f0 will set the ReviewPriority to 1
C-n M-x f0 will set the ReviewPriority to min(n, 5) where n is a number

The main things to keep in mind are that property entries are
strings, and you have to convert them back and forth between numbers. I
don't know a better way to make a logbook entry that doesn't end up
opening a notes buffer.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun f0 (&optional new-review-priority-n)
"- increase ReviewPriority by one, assuming an initial 0 if there's no
value set, up to a hard-coded maximum of 5, set LastReview to the
current date, and log the change (new value and date are sufficient) in
the LOGBOOK drawer"
(interactive "p")
(let* (
;; this will be a string of 0 or the ReviewPriority
(current-review-priority (or (org-entry-get nil "ReviewPriority") "0"))
;; convert it to a number for incrementing
(current-review-priority-n (string-to-number current-review-priority))
;; placeholder variables

(setq new-review-priority-n
(if new-review-priority-n
(min new-review-priority-n 5)
;; no numeric prefix, so increment existing
(min (incf current-review-priority-n) 5))
;; this is what will be written to properties
new-review-priority (number-to-string new-review-priority-n))

(org-entry-put nil "ReviewPriority" new-review-priority)

(org-entry-put nil "LastReview"
(org-add-log-setup 'state
(format "Review Priority %s" new-review-priority)

You could make helper functions that do those too, , e.g. a function
that calls (f0 3) will set the ReviewPriority to 3. And, a function like

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun f2 (n)
(interactive "nN: ")
(f0 n))

will prompt you for a number and then set the properties.

Anyway, Hopefully that can get you started. You can learn more about the
functions with C-h f in Emacs.
Post by Julius Dittmar
- set ReviewPriority to a fixed value (for example 1), set LastReview to
the current date, and log the change in the LOGBOOK drawer
- set ReviewPriority to a user-given value (clipping to the acceptable
value range of 0 to 5 would be a boon, but is not necessary), set
LastReview to the current date, and log the change in the LOGBOOK drawer.
Additionally I'd like to bind the increase function to C-c r and the
function with user input to C-c R.
Any help welcome!
Thanks in advance,
Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
