[O] Orgalist notes
Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-03 23:21:47 UTC
I'm very pleased that orgalist has become its own package! However I'm
seeing a few of the same bugs that made the previous orgstruct-mode
frustrating, though I'm hoping they will be easier to fix now.

There's one right there! Spurious indentation of everything after
the first line.

Now I'm explicitly deleting indentation, and starting again at the left
margin. Another bug seems to appear when making lists: automatic
filling starts a new list item, rather than continuing the paragraph
of the first item.

- Here's an item, now I'll hit M-RET
- Very nice
- Now here's an item that is so long that eventually the auto-fill kicks
- in and the line wraps. This line is now a new line item, rather than a
- continuation of the previous list item. So is this line.

Those are my observations so far. But overall very happy to see this!

Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-03 23:44:48 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
I'm very pleased that orgalist has become its own package! However I'm
seeing a few of the same bugs that made the previous orgstruct-mode
frustrating, though I'm hoping they will be easier to fix now.
There's one right there! Spurious indentation of everything after
the first line.
Now I'm explicitly deleting indentation, and starting again at the left
margin. Another bug seems to appear when making lists: automatic
filling starts a new list item, rather than continuing the paragraph
of the first item.
- Here's an item, now I'll hit M-RET
- Very nice
- Now here's an item that is so long that eventually the auto-fill kicks
- in and the line wraps. This line is now a new line item, rather than a
- continuation of the previous list item. So is this line.
Though I just noted that, if I manually delete the hyphen from a second
line, and then continue typing until it wraps to a third line,
the third line (and the lines thereafter) is correctly
interpreted as part of the first item (ie, no additional hyphens
are inserted).
Eric S Fraga
2018-05-04 05:53:13 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
I'm very pleased that orgalist has become its own package! However I'm
seeing a few of the same bugs that made the previous orgstruct-mode
frustrating, though I'm hoping they will be easier to fix now.
There's one right there! Spurious indentation of everything after
the first line.
Now I'm explicitly deleting indentation, and starting again at the left
margin. Another bug seems to appear when making lists: automatic
filling starts a new list item, rather than continuing the paragraph
of the first item.
- Here's an item, now I'll hit M-RET
- Very nice
- Now here's an item that is so long that eventually the auto-fill kicks
- in and the line wraps. This line is now a new line item, rather than a
- continuation of the previous list item. So is this line.
Hi Eric,

Interesting. I see the following:

- here is an item
- and a second from M-RET
- and the third one which is long but will hopefully be auto-filled when
I type enough. And, lo and behold, it seems to work just fine.

I find that orgalist works much better than orgstruct-mode ever
did. The experience you are having is what I used to get with
orgstruct-mode which meant I usually did not enable it. orgalist is
enabled all the time and I have yet to see any strange behaviour [1].

Hope this helps,

the other eric

[1] well, other than me sitting looking blankly at the screen while
waiting for an email to be sent because I typed C-c C-c and forgot
that I was sitting in a list when I did so... orgalist takes over
that binding when in a list and I keep forgetting!
Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.6-591-gee336b
Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-04 06:45:38 UTC
Post by Eric S Fraga
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
I'm very pleased that orgalist has become its own package! However I'm
seeing a few of the same bugs that made the previous orgstruct-mode
frustrating, though I'm hoping they will be easier to fix now.
There's one right there! Spurious indentation of everything after
the first line.
Now I'm explicitly deleting indentation, and starting again at the left
margin. Another bug seems to appear when making lists: automatic
filling starts a new list item, rather than continuing the paragraph
of the first item.
- Here's an item, now I'll hit M-RET
- Very nice
- Now here's an item that is so long that eventually the auto-fill kicks
- in and the line wraps. This line is now a new line item, rather than a
- continuation of the previous list item. So is this line.
Hi Eric,
- here is an item
- and a second from M-RET
- and the third one which is long but will hopefully be auto-filled when
I type enough. And, lo and behold, it seems to work just fine.
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
with other minor modes. I've got:

Abbrev Ace-Pinyin Ace-Pinyin-Global Async-Bytecomp-Package
Auto-Composition Auto-Compression Auto-Encryption Auto-Fill
Cl-Old-Struct-Compat Company Company-Flx Diff-Auto-Refine Dired-Async
Display-Time Electric-Indent File-Name-Shadow Flyspell Font-Lock
Global-Company Global-Eldoc Global-Font-Lock Global-Git-Commit
Global-Visible-Mark Gnus-Message-Citation Helm Helm-Adaptive Line-Number
Magit-Auto-Revert Menu-Bar Mml Mouse-Wheel Orgalist Projectile
Pyim-Isearch Pyvenv Recentf Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Tooltip
Url-Handler Visible-Mark

It's bedtime now, but I will start again with "emacs -Q" in the morning.
Post by Eric S Fraga
I find that orgalist works much better than orgstruct-mode ever
did. The experience you are having is what I used to get with
orgstruct-mode which meant I usually did not enable it. orgalist is
enabled all the time and I have yet to see any strange behaviour [1].
Hope this helps,
the other eric
Good thing there's only two of us.
Post by Eric S Fraga
[1] well, other than me sitting looking blankly at the screen while
waiting for an email to be sent because I typed C-c C-c and forgot
that I was sitting in a list when I did so... orgalist takes over
that binding when in a list and I keep forgetting!
Yes! I tried to send an email not two minutes ago, and had the
same experience. My guess is that a significant chunk of orgalist
users are using it in message-mode, where this could create
significant confusion, particularly since the orgalist command
doesn't warn you that it tried (and failed) to do anything.
Alan Schmitt
2018-05-04 08:14:03 UTC

I'm having the same indentation, as can be seen here. For some
strange reason, as soon as I get to the next line (using
return) I get extra space. I just refilled this paragraph
and it looks like this.

- this is a list
- another list, and let's make is super long, even
- longer, and I have the same problem.

Here is the list of minor modes that I have:

Abbrev Anzu Async-Bytecomp-Package Auto-Composition Auto-Compression
Auto-Encryption Auto-Fill Beacon Clean-Aindent Column-Number
Company-Childframe Counsel Diff-Auto-Refine Diredp-Highlight-Autofiles
Editorconfig Electric-Indent Eval-Sexp-Fu-Flash Evil Evil-Escape
Evil-Lion Evil-Local Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist Evil-Surround
Eyebrowse File-Name-Shadow Flx-Ido Flyspell Font-Lock Global-Anzu
Global-Auto-Revert Global-Eldoc Global-Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist
Global-Evil-Surround Global-Font-Lock Global-Git-Commit
Global-Git-Gutter+ Global-Page-Break-Lines
Global-Spacemacs-Leader-Override Global-Undo-Tree Global-Vi-Tilde-Fringe
Global-Xah-Math-Input Gnus-Message-Citation Hl-Todo Ido-Vertical
Info-Breadcrumbs-In-Mode-Line Ivy Line-Number Mac-Mouse-Wheel Menu-Bar
Mixed-Pitch Mml Orgalist Override-Global Persp Projectile Pupo Purpose
Recentf Save-Place Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Smartparens
Show-Smartparens-Global Spaceline-Helm Spaceline-Info
Spacemacs-Leader-Override Transient-Mark Undo-Tree Vi-Tilde-Fringe
Volatile-Highlights Which-Key Winner Winum Xah-Math-Input Xterm-Mouse
Yas Yas-Global


OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7
Monthly Athmospheric CO₂, Mauna Loa Obs. 2018-03: 409.46, 2017-03: 407.18
Eric S Fraga
2018-05-04 08:50:14 UTC
On Thursday, 3 May 2018 at 23:45, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
I've looked at your modes and mine and:

Yours that I don't have:

Ace-Pinyin Ace-Pinyin-Global Async-Bytecomp-Package
Cl-Old-Struct-Compat Company Company-Flx Dired-Async Global-Company
Global-Git-Commit Global-Visible-Mark Helm Helm-Adaptive
Magit-Auto-Revert Menu-Bar Projectile Pyim-Isearch Pyvenv
Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Url-Handler Visible-Mark


Auto-Dictionary Beacon Column-Number Display-Line-Numbers Evil
Evil-Local Flx-Ido Global-Aggressive-Indent Global-Auto-Revert
Global-Undo-Tree Hl-Line Ido-Everywhere Minibuffer-Line
Override-Global Pabbrev Save-Place Transient-Mark Undo-Tree

The only one that jumps out immediately is that I have
Global-Aggressive-Indent and you don't. And I use evil-mode but I don't
think that should matter and insert mode is almost (although not quite)
equivalent to normal emacs state.

It's quite interesting comparing, by the way! I may have to look at
some of those minor modes you use.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.6-591-gee336b
Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-04 16:44:07 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
Ace-Pinyin Ace-Pinyin-Global Async-Bytecomp-Package
Cl-Old-Struct-Compat Company Company-Flx Dired-Async Global-Company
Global-Git-Commit Global-Visible-Mark Helm Helm-Adaptive
Magit-Auto-Revert Menu-Bar Projectile Pyim-Isearch Pyvenv
Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Paren Url-Handler Visible-Mark
Auto-Dictionary Beacon Column-Number Display-Line-Numbers Evil
Evil-Local Flx-Ido Global-Aggressive-Indent Global-Auto-Revert
Global-Undo-Tree Hl-Line Ido-Everywhere Minibuffer-Line
Override-Global Pabbrev Save-Place Transient-Mark Undo-Tree
The only one that jumps out immediately is that I have
Global-Aggressive-Indent and you don't. And I use evil-mode but I don't
think that should matter and insert mode is almost (although not quite)
equivalent to normal emacs state.
- I installed global-aggressive-indent, but haven't turned it on yet.
Just typing normally. Oh damn, it didn't do it this time. Well that's
pretty weird.

Now a regular paragraph, still without having turned aggressive
indent on. There's the weird indentation again. Now M-x

- Here's the trick with the list items again, I should have just reduced
fill-column to make this experiment less painful. Nope, now it's
working correctly.

Well, I guess that's why this is a hard problem.
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
It's quite interesting comparing, by the way! I may have to look at
some of those minor modes you use.
It was alarming to look at the whole list -- there's stuff in there I
haven't thought about in ages...
Eric S Fraga
2018-05-04 16:55:03 UTC
On Friday, 4 May 2018 at 09:44, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

Post by Eric Abrahamsen
It was alarming to look at the whole list -- there's stuff in there I
haven't thought about in ages...
Me too. Made me go in a clean some cruft out of my .emacs... :-)

Weekend now, it's sunny and time for a beer at a pub with a garden,
methinks, so I'm signing off!
Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.6-591-gee336b
Gregor Zattler
2018-05-05 11:37:08 UTC
Hi Eric, orgalist users,
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
I have the very same problems with unstoppable indentation in
orgalist and I don't think it is an interaction with other
minor modes, because it hits even with no configuration. Do:

emacs25 -Q --debug-init -l /home/grfz/.emacs.d/elpa-27.0/orgalist-1.3/orgalist.el -f compose-mail --eval "(progn (orgalist-mode t) (end-of-buffer) (newline) (newline))"

(you'll have to adjust the path to your orglist.el)

and hit RETURN in the newly created emacs frame and this last new
line will be indented.

I also tested with a freshly build emacs from the master branch
and it showed the same behaviour.

Ciao; Gregor
-... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-
Nicolas Goaziou
2018-05-05 12:50:23 UTC
Post by Gregor Zattler
Hi Eric, orgalist users,
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
I have the very same problems with unstoppable indentation in
orgalist and I don't think it is an interaction with other
emacs25 -Q --debug-init -l /home/grfz/.emacs.d/elpa-27.0/orgalist-1.3/orgalist.el -f compose-mail --eval "(progn (orgalist-mode t) (end-of-buffer) (newline) (newline))"
(you'll have to adjust the path to your orglist.el)
and hit RETURN in the newly created emacs frame and this last new
line will be indented.
I also tested with a freshly build emacs from the master branch
and it showed the same behaviour.
Indeed. When I tried make Orgalist mode fair with other minor modes and
switched to using advices, I encountered a few unexpected hiccups, most
notably bug#31361, which is responsible for some erratic indentation.

I eventually worked around it, and just updated Orgalist. It should be
available on ELPA toworrow. Hopefully, thing will become a bit smoother.

Thank you for the reports.

Nicolas Goaziou
Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-05 23:55:09 UTC
Post by Alan Schmitt
Post by Gregor Zattler
Hi Eric, orgalist users,
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
I have the very same problems with unstoppable indentation in
orgalist and I don't think it is an interaction with other
emacs25 -Q --debug-init -l /home/grfz/.emacs.d/elpa-27.0/orgalist-1.3/orgalist.el -f compose-mail --eval "(progn (orgalist-mode t) (end-of-buffer) (newline) (newline))"
(you'll have to adjust the path to your orglist.el)
and hit RETURN in the newly created emacs frame and this last new
line will be indented.
I also tested with a freshly build emacs from the master branch
and it showed the same behaviour.
Indeed. When I tried make Orgalist mode fair with other minor modes and
switched to using advices, I encountered a few unexpected hiccups, most
notably bug#31361, which is responsible for some erratic indentation.
I eventually worked around it, and just updated Orgalist. It should be
available on ELPA toworrow. Hopefully, thing will become a bit smoother.
Thank you for the reports.
And, as always, thank you! This is fairly heroic work -- I say that
after having made an attempt at orgstruct-mode, and run away screaming.
And look, no funny indentation!

- Yet a list item with a ridiculous amount of text in it does not wrap
into a second list item.
- Neither does the second list item, despite having an equivalent amount
of spurious typing in it.

- And before I get tired of the experiment, here's the same thing with
a numbered list.
- Oh damn, I hit M-RET, and the numbered list turned into an unnumbered

No good deed goes unpunished :)
Nicolas Goaziou
2018-05-06 07:30:07 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
- And before I get tired of the experiment, here's the same thing with
a numbered list.
- Oh damn, I hit M-RET, and the numbered list turned into an unnumbered
I cannot reproduce it.

More explicitly, I typed "1." at the beginning of a line to start
a numbered list, then filled the item with random characters so Auto
fill could start another line below the first. Eventually, I used
M-<RET> and got

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt.

I'm using Orgalist 1.5.

Could it be related to another minor mode you're loading?
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
No good deed goes unpunished :)

Thank you for the report.

Nicolas Goaziou
Bernt Hansen
2018-05-06 14:34:38 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
And, as always, thank you! This is fairly heroic work -- I say that
after having made an attempt at orgstruct-mode, and run away screaming.
And look, no funny indentation!
- Yet a list item with a ridiculous amount of text in it does not wrap
into a second list item.
- Neither does the second list item, despite having an equivalent amount
of spurious typing in it.
- And before I get tired of the experiment, here's the same thing with
a numbered list.
- Oh damn, I hit M-RET, and the numbered list turned into an unnumbered
No good deed goes unpunished :)
I think you need 2 blank lines between the lists to separate them by
default - otherwise they are treated as one list and the first bullet
defines the type of list (and therefore changes your 1. back to -

Eric Abrahamsen
2018-05-06 16:04:25 UTC
Post by Bernt Hansen
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
And, as always, thank you! This is fairly heroic work -- I say that
after having made an attempt at orgstruct-mode, and run away screaming.
And look, no funny indentation!
- Yet a list item with a ridiculous amount of text in it does not wrap
into a second list item.
- Neither does the second list item, despite having an equivalent amount
of spurious typing in it.
- And before I get tired of the experiment, here's the same thing with
a numbered list.
- Oh damn, I hit M-RET, and the numbered list turned into an unnumbered
No good deed goes unpunished :)
I think you need 2 blank lines between the lists to separate them by
default - otherwise they are treated as one list and the first bullet
defines the type of list (and therefore changes your 1. back to -
You're quite right! That did the trick. All seems to be behaving
perfectly now.

Gregor Zattler
2018-05-06 10:43:02 UTC
Hi Eric, Nicolas,
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
- And before I get tired of the experiment, here's the same thing with
a numbered list.
- Oh damn, I hit M-RET, and the numbered list turned into an unnumbered
with this:
emacs-snapshot -Q --debug-init -l /home/grfz/.emacs.d/elpa-27.0/orgalist-1.5/orgalist.el -f compose-mail --eval "(progn (orgalist-mode t) (end-of-buffer) (newline) (newline))"

I get

1. ha fkj hdhf kjh kdjfh kdjsh gjhdlkj ghkjdsgh dj ljgh kjdh kjhvgfkj
hdgkjhkjh djhg kjdhf kjhdkjghf kdhödgkhödkj hödj öh ödfkj hökhdgfsjh kjgh dh hdgöf h h ö ökhkjhgdöhg jdhf kj ök ökdfj ödfj dfjkj kjg kj kjdökgh ödh öhg g g

- no autofill after the second line
- M-RET gives: setq: Symbol’s function definition is void:

With org-mode in the load-path, the line breaks happen for all
lines not only the first one. But one has to (require 'org) in
order for M-RET to work. This is no problem for me, since I work
with org-mode all the time, but is this intended?

In my highly customized emacs I get line breaks but M-RET gives

1. jesdgf oigjovgjis uh urh udrhfesgh ourhes ouh ouhroe uhos ho
hg uirehui shgourheoug hhsou hogush oguhuishughsoieghoudrhes
uhguhdsh ghourhg

orgalist-insert-item: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil

This is not the case with bullet lists:

- o ushurgh dusrh gdrhf oudrhesurgh urhrh oughou hortus houtgsh
ou houhort rtgshM-RET

Could you give me a hint on how to debug this?

Thanks, Gregor
Nicolas Goaziou
2018-05-06 11:32:27 UTC
Post by Gregor Zattler
With org-mode in the load-path, the line breaks happen for all
lines not only the first one. But one has to (require 'org) in
order for M-RET to work. This is no problem for me, since I work
with org-mode all the time, but is this intended?
No, it is not intended. Orgalist 1.6 (to be released tomorrow) will
require Org right from the start.
Post by Gregor Zattler
In my highly customized emacs I get line breaks but M-RET gives
1. jesdgf oigjovgjis uh urh udrhfesgh ourhes ouh ouhroe uhos ho
hg uirehui shgourheoug hhsou hogush oguhuishughsoieghoudrhes
uhguhdsh ghourhg
orgalist-insert-item: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil
- o ushurgh dusrh gdrhf oudrhesurgh urhrh oughou hortus houtgsh
ou houhort rtgshM-RET
Could you give me a hint on how to debug this?
Please use M-x toggle-debug-on-error and report the backtrace here.
Loading an un-compiled Orgalist is better.

Thank you.

Nicolas Goaziou
Gregor Zattler
2018-05-07 09:13:53 UTC
Hi Nicolas,
Post by Nicolas Goaziou
Post by Gregor Zattler
With org-mode in the load-path, the line breaks happen for all
lines not only the first one. But one has to (require 'org) in
order for M-RET to work. This is no problem for me, since I work
with org-mode all the time, but is this intended?
No, it is not intended. Orgalist 1.6 (to be released tomorrow) will
require Org right from the start.
This works now with bullet and numbered lists when called in a
non-configured emacs session. Thanks.
Post by Nicolas Goaziou
Post by Gregor Zattler
In my highly customized emacs I get line breaks but M-RET gives
1. jesdgf oigjovgjis uh urh udrhfesgh ourhes ouh ouhroe uhos ho
hg uirehui shgourheoug hhsou hogush oguhuishughsoieghoudrhes
uhguhdsh ghourhg
orgalist-insert-item: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil
Post by Nicolas Goaziou
Post by Gregor Zattler
Could you give me a hint on how to debug this?
Please use M-x toggle-debug-on-error and report the backtrace here.
Loading an un-compiled Orgalist is better.
1. rzhe juhgdhjvhj vghfjs y rvgfhjxd bvjxdbv mh vxnbxgbfvghg drgh
djhxcjhbnjdfjhvgjhf jhfhjghfj hfjM-RET


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
org-list-insert-item(1504 ((1397 0 "1. " nil nil nil 1505)) ((1397)) nil nil)
(setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc))
(let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1))))
(let ((item\? (orgalist--in-item-p))) (if item\? nil (user-error "Not in a list")) (let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1)))))
funcall-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil)
call-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil nil)

I have no clue how to read this.

Thanks for looking into this, Gregor
Nicolas Goaziou
2018-05-07 12:37:40 UTC
Post by Gregor Zattler
1. rzhe juhgdhjvhj vghfjs y rvgfhjxd bvjxdbv mh vxnbxgbfvghg drgh
djhxcjhbnjdfjhvgjhf jhfhjghfj hfjM-RET
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
org-list-insert-item(1504 ((1397 0 "1. " nil nil nil 1505)) ((1397)) nil nil)
(setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc))
(let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1))))
(let ((item\? (orgalist--in-item-p))) (if item\? nil (user-error "Not in a list")) (let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1)))))
funcall-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil)
call-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil nil)
I have no clue how to read this.
I cannot reproduce the issue. It seems to be with "org-list.el".

Could you do it again, this time after loading Org uncompiled? I need
the backtrace to step into `org-list-insert-item'.

Nicolas Goaziou
Gregor Zattler
2018-05-07 16:57:31 UTC
Hi Nicolas,
Post by Nicolas Goaziou
I cannot reproduce the issue. It seems to be with "org-list.el".
Could you do it again, this time after loading Org uncompiled? I need
the backtrace to step into `org-list-insert-item'.

1. hdf ds gjdfg dzg vizdgvzu uid vjudgfvkjui dkjui uiv dfu du
sjuds gdhfj dhfg vhjf df dfkjh vkjM-RET

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
(progn (goto-char pos) (goto-char (org-list-get-item-begin)))
(let* ((item (progn (goto-char pos) (goto-char (org-list-get-item-begin)))) (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct)) (item-end-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct)) (beforep (progn (looking-at org-list-full-item-re) (<= pos (cond ((not (match-beginning 4)) (match-end 0)) ((let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate))) (match-beginning 4)) (t (save-excursion (goto-char (match-end 4)) (skip-chars-forward " \11") (point))))))) (split-line-p (org-get-alist-option org-M-RET-may-split-line 'item)) (blank-nb (org-list-separating-blank-lines-number pos struct prevs)) (ind (org-list-get-ind item struct)) (ind-size (if indent-tabs-mode (+ (/ ind tab-width) (mod ind tab-width)) ind)) (bullet (org-list-bullet-string (org-list-get-bullet item struct))) (box (if checkbox (progn "[ ]"))) (text-cut (and (not beforep) split-line-p (progn (goto-char pos) (if (< item-end pos) (progn (delete-region (1- item-end) (point-at-eol)))) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (setq pos (point)) (delete-and-extract-region pos item-end-no-blank)))) (body (concat bullet (if box (progn (concat box " "))) after-bullet (and text-cut (if (string-match "\\`[ \11]+" text-cut) (replace-match "" t t text-cut) text-cut)))) (item-sep (make-string (1+ blank-nb) 10)) (item-size (+ ind-size (length body) (length item-sep))) (size-offset (- item-size (length text-cut)))) (goto-char item) (indent-to-column ind) (insert body item-sep) (mapc (function (lambda (e) (let ((p (car e)) (end (nth 6 e))) (cond ((< p item) (if (> end item) (progn (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))) ((or beforep (not split-line-p)) (setcar e (+ p item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size))) ((< p pos) (setcar e (+ p item-size)) (if (< end pos) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset)))) ((< p item-end) (setcar e (+ p size-offset (- item pos (length item-sep)))) (if (= end item-end) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ item item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset (- item pos (length item-sep)))))) (t (setcar e (+ p size-offset)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))))) struct) (setq struct (cons (list item ind bullet nil box nil (+ item item-size)) struct)) (setq struct (sort struct (function (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2)))))) (if beforep (goto-char item) (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item (+ item item-size) struct)) (goto-char (org-list-get-next-item item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))) struct)
(let ((case-fold-search t)) (let* ((item (progn (goto-char pos) (goto-char (org-list-get-item-begin)))) (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct)) (item-end-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct)) (beforep (progn (looking-at org-list-full-item-re) (<= pos (cond ((not (match-beginning 4)) (match-end 0)) ((let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate))) (match-beginning 4)) (t (save-excursion (goto-char (match-end 4)) (skip-chars-forward " \11") (point))))))) (split-line-p (org-get-alist-option org-M-RET-may-split-line 'item)) (blank-nb (org-list-separating-blank-lines-number pos struct prevs)) (ind (org-list-get-ind item struct)) (ind-size (if indent-tabs-mode (+ (/ ind tab-width) (mod ind tab-width)) ind)) (bullet (org-list-bullet-string (org-list-get-bullet item struct))) (box (if checkbox (progn "[ ]"))) (text-cut (and (not beforep) split-line-p (progn (goto-char pos) (if (< item-end pos) (progn (delete-region (1- item-end) (point-at-eol)))) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (setq pos (point)) (delete-and-extract-region pos item-end-no-blank)))) (body (concat bullet (if box (progn (concat box " "))) after-bullet (and text-cut (if (string-match "\\`[ \11]+" text-cut) (replace-match "" t t text-cut) text-cut)))) (item-sep (make-string (1+ blank-nb) 10)) (item-size (+ ind-size (length body) (length item-sep))) (size-offset (- item-size (length text-cut)))) (goto-char item) (indent-to-column ind) (insert body item-sep) (mapc (function (lambda (e) (let ((p (car e)) (end (nth 6 e))) (cond ((< p item) (if (> end item) (progn (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))) ((or beforep (not split-line-p)) (setcar e (+ p item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size))) ((< p pos) (setcar e (+ p item-size)) (if (< end pos) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset)))) ((< p item-end) (setcar e (+ p size-offset (- item pos (length item-sep)))) (if (= end item-end) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ item item-size)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset (- item pos (length item-sep)))))) (t (setcar e (+ p size-offset)) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))))) struct) (setq struct (cons (list item ind bullet nil box nil (+ item item-size)) struct)) (setq struct (sort struct (function (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2)))))) (if beforep (goto-char item) (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item (+ item item-size) struct)) (goto-char (org-list-get-next-item item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))) struct))
org-list-insert-item(619 ((515 0 "1. " nil nil nil 620)) ((515)) nil nil)
(setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc))
(let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1))))
(let ((item\? (orgalist--in-item-p))) (if item\? nil (user-error "Not in a list")) (let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char item\?) (orgalist--struct))) (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)) (desc (and (eq 'descriptive (org-list-get-list-type item\? struct prevs)) " :: "))) (setq struct (org-list-insert-item (point) struct prevs checkbox desc)) (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct)) (looking-at orgalist--item-re) (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (string-match "\\." (match-string 1))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))) (match-beginning 4) (match-end 0))) (if desc (progn (backward-char 1)))))
funcall-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil)
call-interactively(orgalist-insert-item nil nil)

Thanks for your persitence, Gregor
