[O] org-indent-mode and wrapping of bullet
Michael Brand
2018-05-05 08:36:35 UTC
Hi all

When an item or heading with a single word is wider than the buffer
width it is shown as

│- │
│zzz │
│* │
│zzz │

when not in org-indent-mode which I understand from a
wrapping-code-complexity view. But in org-indent-mode the word is
still on its own line

│- │
│ http://www.orgmode.org/zzz\│
│ zzzzz │
│* │
│ http://www.orgmode.org/zzz\│
│ zzzzz │

where I expect the much nicer looking and space saving

│- http://www.orgmode.org/zzz\│
│ zzzzz │
│* http://www.orgmode.org/zzz\│
│ zzzzz │

Is this a missing feature of org-indent-mode?

